On a recent trip to the printers, to sign off the last of the Litho plates, I found out that they were doing the first make ready's for the Komori Lithographic Printer that will be printing my book. This is one crazy piece of machinery, it coasts more then 50 Million Rand and took them almost the entire month of January to ship and assemble. It had to be moved in sections because of the size and weight as well as having to used a massive crane to get it in the factory. So when I saw the preliminary proof sheets being set up I got a bit excited and I was all over it in a heart beat. I got in there like a pro, checking the designs, color and bleed with the print master and crew like i was the big boss man. Over the last year I have learnt so much about the postproduction and printing process. I am so glad I ended up doing the whole thing myself, it might have been a ruff road but the path i have taken has been enlightening and educational to say the least. I will start launching the book at the end of the month with a series of launch events and exhibitions, fallowed by a small national book tour. Look out for the real deal ting' dropping soon until then I'll keep you posted.... Enjoy
So exciting J! Can't wait to see ur happy face wen u hold the first one in ur hand ;) xx tanit