I strive to keep creative and inspired as well as always pushing to better myself and my craft. There's a myriad of diversity going down for me and all the cats I work\play with. I'll Post Updates on Art, Music, Surf, Skate, Events, Exhibitions, Shows, Art Shows, Projects, Promos, Releases, Mixes, Gigs, Articles, Features, Photos, Links - and a plethora of other things!!! Stop by whenever you like. Enjoy, Safe-
Verb (A South African Skateboard Company) has introduced their very own collectors’ zine featuring interviews and artwork by collaborating South African artists 35-ten-73, Bison, Chemistry101, Theory One, Bruce Mackay, Black Koki, Kronk, Louis Minnaar, Wesley van Eeden, Christian Mugnai, Alice Edy and Jordan Metcalf. In addition to articles on skateboarders Leon Bester, Simon Stipcich, Dennis Collins and a feature on I Love Screenprinting Studio. These zines are available exclusively through Revolution stores across South Africa as well as through their online store, www.revolutiononline.co.za, when you purchase any Verb item (valid while stocks last). Zines are limited to only 300 copies; so go out an get your hands on one, if you can… Safe-
Here is a link to some of his stuff on Flickr and the Kronk Studios FB page...