The 2010 SIX (Southern Ink Xposure) Convention was held in Cape Town from the 22nd-24th of January and is currently the only international Tattoo convention in Africa. It was a jam pack weekend of Tattoo mayhem from exhibitions to parties to the strongly felt presence of an infamous angelic biker crew. Yours truly, the one and only DJ Just Be..? rocked a 1 hour special guest DJ set filled with simply the freshest (and a touch of ruffness'). Cats were loving it and all the homoies back in their stalls pieceing knew who had taken over the sound waves; Paul 'King of rock Tattoos' Booth (jokes brv!!) even cruzed over during my set so say he was feelin' the beats. I was super amped on that. I shot a bunch of rad images here are some of the bru's....

Tyler B. Murphy loving life at the Man's Ruin Afterparty and sketching away would be Rico Swanepoel and Buffy Bravehreat. The homie D' took a photo with my B&W camera of me droping beats. Props to some of the Tattoo Artist there were some real works of epidermal art going down as well......

I did a Photo Feature Slide show on some of the action that went down for check it out, click the image or the link. I am doing a Feature Article for My Culture Magazine and that will have the goods along with the real gems I shot over the weekend, so I'll let everyone know when its out so u can go buy it!!! Safe-
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