
I got the call to go on a little mid week surf mission up the Weskus (West Coast of South Africa). It had been a while since I scored good waves without the chaos of all the kooks and agro' show-offs with no style. So when I got the call (from Alan Robb) and the swell & weather looked promising it was a no questions on it!!! We lagged a bit getting out of town so by the time we got there it was early afternoon and I was frothing. The swell was still filling in and the wind was getting lighter and cleaner by the minute so I decided to shoot a few images and give the set up a once over. It was over a year since my last surf at this beautiful wave and I was going to take my time and enjoy it. As the tide hit low I put away the camera and paddled out for a super fun evening surf with about ten guys in the water, most who I knew from around the Cape. I surfed well into dark with the swell slowly building. I got up at the crack of dawn to find a glassy color fill sea and took full advantage of the morning light. That was until a solid pulse of swell came out of nowhere and fired down the point(bigger then anything the day before). I hustled to the spot to suit up and was back with in minutes.What a surf, we were trading off waves for hours. About 4 hours into the surf Alan comes down to shoot a few with his digi' of course the swell had backed off a bit by then and my legs felt like I was in a dead-leg contest with an older sibling something, putty!!! I got in a few gouges and that was that.....
I did a nice slide show feature for Wavescape, check it out, make sure to click the icon in the middle of the slide show player to zoom in and see each image full frame (otherwise the player crops the image significantly and it does not look nearly as good as the original)
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