Yours truly,
DJ Just Be..?
Went to Durban, South Africa (in Nov. 09') to rock an opening set for Underground Hip-Hop legends People Under The Stairs. After wrongfully being served military detainment passes on their overseas flight, PUTS moved the gig to the next weekend. So I was suck in Durban for an extra week, surfing the warm water, skating with Braxton Haine (one of DBN's best young pros and a good friend I was staying with), visiting Bruce Gold during his short stay in Albert Luthuli Central, and sorting out stuff for my event\exhibition in Durban the next month. Anyways... I was happy and honored to play with PUTS; especially because I had gone to maybe a dozen of their shows back in the day in Cali and knew Thes One and Double K for a few years in the late 90's before they blew up huge all over the world. The flyers were rad, Akio had to work too hard, the Boyz were super amped on their short time in SA, the venue was nice\personal, and the pep's were gong bananas'. I had to play over 40 min. longer then I was meant to, but the vibe was getting mad live so I was kool with it. Loads of people gave me props' on my set even Thes One, Double K, Akio, and the club owner Athos (I dropped 90% classic underground Hip-Hop banggers' only and it was one of the better sets I played the whole year). By the time I got off the decks' the place was packed, there were even people moshing in the front. PUTS played all the classic tacks and some new stuff. Those lucky enough to get tickets got a real treat (a little over 200 people). Big up People Under The Stair keen to link up when I am back in the states...
Good Times
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